Our holistic blog

Find out everything about holistic skin care. In our blog we talk about how the skin should not only be seen alone, but always in connection with body and soul and what you can do to strengthen your skin holistically.



Ende Juli war es so weit: Unsere erste Messe stand vor der Tür, die VIVANESS in Nürnberg. Die VIVANESS findet als eine der wichtigsten internationalen Naturkosmetikfachmessen...

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Granatapfelkernöl – ein kleiner Kern beweist wahre Größe

Granatapfelkernöl – ein kleiner Kern beweist wahre Größe

Ein kleiner Kern, der mal wieder beweist, dass es nicht um Größe geht, wenn es um große Wirkung geht. Das Granatapfelkernöl nährt die Haut mit...

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So gelingt der Umstieg von konventioneller Kosmetik auf Naturkosmetik

This is how you can switch from conventional cosmetics to natural cosmetics

If you consciously decide to switch from conventional cosmetics to natural cosmetics, you need one thing above all: patience. “Because,” says Susanne, our creative soul...

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Photo by Fleur Kaan on Unsplash

Natural cosmetics - 9 reasons for sustainable skincare

Fortunately, natural cosmetics, the associated understanding and the wishes of consumers are changing. Awareness of naturalness and the environment is returning and people are increasingly...

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Warum wir in unseren Körper- und Gesichtsölen auf Wasser verzichten

Warum wir in unseren Körper- und Gesichtsölen auf Wasser verzichten

Wasser besitzt in Kosmetika keine sinnvolle Aufgabe für deine Haut – ganz im Gegenteil. Am Ende folgt immer die Rezepturformel: Je mehr Wasser, desto mehr...

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Ätherische Öle: Die Essenz unserer Produkte

Essential oils: The essence of our products

Can you still remember that smell of fresh rain on gray asphalt that only exists in summer, when the feeling of carefree accompanies us through...

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Aprikosenkern- & Olivenöl: Das Herz unserer Produkte

Apricot kernel & olive oil: the heart of our products

Apricot kernel and olive oil. You will find these two oils in almost all of our products. How come? Because they have so many wonderful...

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Ganzheitliche Hautpflege und was wir darunter verstehen

Holistic skin care and what we mean by it

Skin is so much more than just a surface. It envelops us, protects us and allows us to feel touch. It is the largest organ...

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Hello Sue, who are you?

Hello Sue, who are you?

Maybe you've ever wondered what's behind our name Hello Sue. And maybe the answer is more surprising than you expected. Because Hello Sue not only...

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